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Projects delivered

We've been supporting the disability, health care and human services sectors since 2019


Health Q Consulting commenced operations in May 2019. We have recently completed projects for:


  • Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care

  • Nunkuwarrin Yunti

  • Paul Ramsay Foundation

  • South Australian West Coast ACCHO Network

  • Central Adelaide Local Health Network

  • Limestone Coast Local Health Network

  • Adelaide Primary Health Network

  • Country SA Primary Health Network

  • Wellbeing SA

  • Rural Support Service of SA

  • The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission

  • Murri Binda Consortium


Some recent projects are highlighted below.


To see more, or discuss how we can help, let's talk.

A recent NDIS project

NDIS Ready. Service assessment & roadmap (2022)


Nunkuwarrin Yunti of South Australia Inc appointed Health Q Consulting to assist with preparation for the delivery of the NDIS for local Aboriginal people within the metropolitan region of Adelaide.


The project provided the organisation with a structured and staged roadmap to commence NDIS service delivery, with explicit reference to resourcing requirements and financial modelling needed to run effective NDIS services for the local Aboriginal community.  The outputs included identifying the NDIS services are most a suitable for delivery by Nunkuwarrin Yunti and an initial market assessment and financial model for those services.

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A recent evaluation project

Evaluation & community consultation Northern & Far Western SA (RFDS) (2021)


The Royal Flying Doctor Service (Central Operation) appointed Health Q Consulting to undertake an evaluation and needs analysis of their services to communities in Far North and Western South Australia.


A total of 139 stakeholders were consulted with using a blended face-to-face, Zoom and telephone model, in addition to 130 survey responses. We spoke to consumers, ACCHOs, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander consumers, and the rural and remote health workforce. The final report presented 21 recommendations which were accepted by the client.


A recent strategy & performance project

Development of a Stakeholder Engagement Strategy (CALHN) (2022)


CALHN brings together five hospitals: and a range of specialised community and clinical health services. Health Q Consulting worked alongside the Chief Data and Analytics Officer, to develop a Stakeholder Engagement Strategy.


The Business Intelligence and Performance Reporting Unit has a range of internal and external ‘customers’ and managing stakeholders and their relative data needs and priorities is a key challenge. Health Q Consulting sought feedback from a number of BIPR customers and developed a Stakeholder Engagement Strategy and action plan for implementation.


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