Culture Care Connect Service Design

Reducing suicide for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community (service design)

Nunkuwarrin Yunti Incorporated

Suicide rates for First Nations peoples are 2.3 times higher than other Australians, having devastating and ongoing impacts on families and Communities. Culture Care Connect brings together key streams of suicide prevention planning, coordination & activity across the network regions; including raising awareness, early intervention, crisis management and Aftercare Services. It aims to improve Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mental health and suicide prevention outcomes, support a culturally appropriate mental health system workforce and contribute to improved social and emotional wellbeing outcomes.

Activites Included

  • Desktop review of available documents and data
  • Conduct consultations with key stakeholders
  • Facilitation of design workshops
  • Development of a Program logic
  • Development of a Network Prevention Plan
  • Development of an Aftercare Service Delivery model
  • Design of a performance dashboard


The process focused on working closely with key member of the Nunkuwarrin Yunti workforce. Collaborative design workshops were facilitated by Health Q to leverage the extensive expertise and experience of the team. All service design outputs were presented in a manner to reflected cultural preferences.


The service design and supporting materials allowed Nunkuwarrin Yunti to fast track the establishment of the Culture Care Connect program.

I want to express my appreciation for the hard work that you put into making this happen. It's evident that this plan is very comprehensive and provides a strategic pathway to reducing suicide in the wider metropolitan Adelaide Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community.

Nunkuwarrin Yunti