The program supported projects that supported the goals to get South Australians moving. Regular physical activity provides significant physical and mental health benefits. In SA, only 66% of adults and 14% of youth meet the national physical activity targets. The program supports the delivery of initiatives through a competitive grant process, with funding over three years to councils and Not-For-Profit sport and recreation providers. Funding through the ASCP aims to drive an increase in sport, activity, and recreation in identified target groups impacted by barriers to participation and inclusivity in sports. The development of “strategic partnerships” was a priority.
The overarching objective of this evaluation was to determine the effectiveness of each funded project in contributing to the overall program objectives of increasing physical activity in the general community or target group and/or building organisational capacity, removing barriers to accessibility and participation, or activation of sporting/recreational places and spaces.
A key feature of the evaluation was the facilitation of Shared Learning Workhops with all funded programs in attendance. This allowed all programs to share the learnings to date, to learn from each other’s experiences for the benefit of each project and the Program as a whole. Attendees provide positive feedback indicated that the sessions added value to their projects.
From a formative perspective, the evaluation presented findings on project establishment and implementation and recommendations for future grant funding rounds. A key output was the delivery and handover of an evaluation framework and associated tools so that the Office of Recreation Sport and Racing can complete the summative and outcomes evaluation in future years.