NDIS Strategic Review of services

Making NDIS services more sustainable


UnitingSA is a South Australian based not-for-profit organisation dedicated to supporting South Australians. Established in 1919, UnitingSA now supports more than 12,000 people every year. UnitingSA is a registered NDIS provider. The NDIS disability services & support team provides supports across metropolitan Adelaide and Northern Country SA. The NDIS is constantly changing, and UnitingSA considered it timely to review its NDIS services and based on these learnings, develop a NDIS business strategy.

Activites Included

  • Development of a Planning & Review Framework
  • Review of data on service performance and program expenditure
  • Benchmark analysis
  • Service and political landscape review and impact assessment
  • Consultation with staff
  • Shared Learning Workshop


To ensure a comprehensive review, Health Q developed a NDIS review framework eight essential domains. The findings and the review were presented against each domain in a that presented learnings alongside opportunities. Testing these with the key NDIS staff at a shared learnings workshop ensured recommendations were practical, and likely to be impactful.


The review presented future directions for Uniting SA in a staged plan and roadmap for the future. Recommendation's focused on UnitingSA's strengths that enabled a low risk approach to improving sustainability and impact.