The new NDIS quality and safeguards framework hit SA and NSW 12 months ago, and today, 1 July 2019, it’s time for stage 2 of the roll out, impacting ACT, NT, QLD, TAS and VIC.
Having lived through an SA provider’s response, I may have had a few “where’s the time machine?” moments. There is no going back. We definitely made some changes along the way and we could have set ourselves up better.
For those service providers starting the quality and safeguards journey today, here’s some questions you’ve hopefully asked and answered already:
What is our practical interpretation of the definition of a Reportable Incident?
What changes are needed to our incident reporting system to collect and classify incidents in this way?
What training is now required for frontline staff to ensure compliance?
How are we going to meet our 24 hour, 5 day and Final Reporting obligations? (and who has delegation to submit on behalf of our organisation to the Commission?)
Do our Behaviour Support Plans meet the new requirements?
Who will be our Restrictive Practices Officer?
What systems are required to support this role’s responsibilities?
To what extent do the Board need to be involved?
What is the definition and Restrictive Practice? and how does this reshape our current thinking, practice and reporting?
What systems are required to collect data for the monthly Restrictive Practices report to the Commission?
Having those questions answered hopefully you won’t need to call on the DeLorean time machine. #askbetterquestions to be better #prepared. #NDIS #safeguards